Thursday, September 27, 2012

Julie's Birthday Adventures

Likely a lasting residual from my Girl Guide days, I still really enjoy good, clean, wholesome, family fun and organized recreational activity.  I used to find it difficult to corral a group of friends to join me on these types of outings, especially since most of the good stuff is dually categorized as summer activity when people's lives seem to be the busiest. 

A few years ago it occurred to me that the best way to make people do what I want is to either bribe them or guilt them.  Since my pockets are not terribly deep, guilting seemed like the best option.  From this notion, and my appropriately situated birthday, the now annual "Julie's Birthday Adventure" was born.

This enjoyable series of has been relatively successful so far, and as I've just celebrated my biggest birthday adventure yet, I'd like to take this moment to jot down some of my Birthday Adventure memories.

I'm going to write these up in chunks, so check out the links below. 
Julie's Birthday Adventure - First Annual - Age 26 edition
White Water Rafting -

Julie's Birthday Adventure - Second Annual - Age 27 edition
Tree Top Trekking and zip lining -

Julie's Birthday Adventure - Third Annual - Age 28 edition
Hang Gliding -

Julie's Birthday Adventure - Fourth Annual - Age 29 edition
Horse Shoe Resort - Ogo Balling -

Julie's Birthday Adventure - Fifth Annual - Age 30 edition
Sky Diving -

Possible future Birthday Adventures include:

Anyone have any other ideas for me?   I hope that I'll continue to live past 36 so I'm going to need some new ideas soon.

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