Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Here's "mud" in your eye!

This memory always make me laugh out loud (or LOL as the kids say).  If you ever see me just burst into laughter for no particular reason, it is safe to assume this is what I'm thinking about.  Hopefully writing it out can do the story justice, as most of the awesomeness results from knowing Jessica and having the pleasure of being there to bare witness.  Jessica is one of those unfortunate people who this kind of 'thing' always seems to happen to.  Luckily she has one of the best sense of humour that I know of, so even though she is a marked woman, she handles it with admirable grace.

The aforementioned Jessica and I were driving around Brampton in her unnecessarily large truck one afternoon, chatting away.  She had the window cracked a bit because she's a hopeless smoker.  Without warning, the windshield becomes covered in a pterodactyl-sized amount of bird crap and Jessica starts howling.  I'm laughing because the amount of shit smeared on the window really is impressive, but glancing over to share the joke with her, I see that after the load hit the windshield, it splattered around and was sucked into the open window where it met Jessica's face!  Luckily for her she was wearing sunglasses at the time, but one lens, her cheek and some hair were smeared in runny bird turd.

It was awesome.   Haha, I'm LOLing again.