Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sh*t my dad says

To borrow from the ever amusing twitter account, my dad says some gems as well. This message will likely be updated frequently.

- On temp dying my hair purple in university: "You look like a pig to market". Translation: in Holland at the livestock markets, they painted coloured stripes down the animals' backs to indicate their price.

- On moving in with Dave: "You don't want to be a used car, do you?" And: "What's your next boyfriend going to think when he finds out you lived with Dave?" (thoughts, Drew?)

- On the police breaking up the party next door: "Oh snap!"

- On observing my nose piercing and Sarah's tattoo: "You girls don't like the way I made you."

- On breaking down our heritage: "My good Dutch kids have been contaminated by the English."

- When I first bought some thongs, my mom was folding the laundry in their room. My dad noticed the underwear and hand delivered them to my room one by one, critiquing them in dismay. Mostly he was terribly unimpressed but enjoyed embarrassing me. My favourite comment was "this isn't big enough to catch a fart!"

- On Sarah deciding to go skydiving: "Wait.  Did you pay the Rogers bill yet?"

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