Friday, September 23, 2011

A blog of frogs

I had a host of frogs throughout my childhood. Here are the stories of some of them:

Chuckie, or perhaps it was Ernie: I found Chuckie the toad while biking one day. There were some boys at a playground throwing rocks at him, trying to kill him. I went over there to save him, but I don't remember if there was an altercation of sorts or if the little assholes took off when I approached (they were younger than me), but I collected him and road home one handed. He ended up having a nice set up in the aquarium below the fish. It must have been a terrifying day for that poor guy, first a stoning, then strangulation on a bike, and finally forcible confinement. I tried to make up for it by supplying all the crickets he could eat, but I eventually returned him to wense he came.

Ernie, or perhaps Chuckie: this toad I just found and tried to relocate in my backyard. He likely wasn't impressed as I don't believe I saw him again.

Mr Ed: he existed.  That's all I remember of his life tail.  (<-- that's a pun, not a spelling mistake) (Yes, I know that toads don't have tails, but they did as tadpoles, so my pun is still correct)

Prince: my tiniest toad was a firebelly given to my as a Bday gift from Chris o'flarity. He required a very tropical and warm tank, which I painstakingly outfitted for him. Alas, he too made a break for his original habitat (which was a great deal further away in the tropics somewhere) and his blackened dehydrated body under the bookshelf was found months later.

I had too many frogs to remember their names...or perhaps they didn't hold the same fascination for me.  I know there was at least one "Kermit" in there, so lets assume they were all named Kermit.

Sarah, myself, and possibly a Kermit
Kermit 1 and 2: abducted from the pipe under the foot of my grandma's driveway in St George. These two unwilling buggers were sequestered in my first turtle home (plastic circle, small bridge and palm tree with a lid). Before running out to play one afternoon back in Brampton, I kindly thought they'd like some fresh air and sun so I put them out on the deck to enjoy the afternoon.
Later my mom found their boiled bodies floating in the little turtle river. That is when I learned about the greenhouse effect.

The Albino Kermit's: bought from Big Al's pet store, I decided to bring the ugly little creatures to school. That's where they died.  I think from starvation because I never really figured out how to feed them.

Kermit 3 and 4: when we dug a fish pond for our backyard I really wanted frogs to live there too. Apparently they didn't agree because they , like all the others, left. I was beginning to sense a pattern about the strength of amphibians internal homing devises.

Smiley: Smiley was a lime green tree frog. The kind that needs plants, water, heat lamps, and a very controlled environment. Read: this guy was going no where! He was super cute and very shiny, very enjoyable to look at and poke. But that was the extent of his attraction. He did nothing. Hung glued to the side of the aquarium. Blinked for pleasure.
I later brought him back to the pet store for credit towards my iguana.

More on that another day.

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