Friday, September 16, 2011

I haz a blog

Though I've never had one before, I'm pretty sure I started the whole blog movement when I used to let all my friends read my diary.  I have blotchy recollections of sitting on bunk beds at camp, having my diary passed around the girls so they could read my account of what we did that day.  Sometimes that got me in trouble...I never put it together that you cannot write bitchy-angsty-adolescent comments about your friends and then expect them to understand you were just in a bad mood that day when they read it later.  Mostly the diary pass-around was a way of looking for attention in an "aren't I clever", "don't I write well", "look at me, look at me, look at me" kind of way.

Like many people, I'm sure, joining the blog movement so many years after it ceased to be popular, I was inspired to do this while reading "The Happiness Project".  Which I thoroughly enjoyed (despite the shitty circumstances which led to me needing to read about how to be happy) although this is less a project of happiness and more of a way to document my memories rather than call attention to me in a "look at me, look at me, look at me", "aren't I clever", "don't I write well" kind of way.  I have a shitty memory and every now and then a spark of something will come  back at me and I try desperately to keep it filed at close hand.  But I never succeed in that.  Now that the internet and the good people at Apple have created the iCloud, everything I ever write or post will live on in eternity, long after my memory expires.

So here we are.  First post.  One thing I need to look into is WHO is reading this, HOW did they find it, and do I actually want them to read it?  I think I'd prefer to keep this to myself, except for the odd few friends that I want to look at me and think that I'm clever and a good writer.

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