Thursday, September 22, 2011


My nanny was babysitting us while my parents were on vacation and Trevor and I were watching tv in their room. For whatever reason he dared me to call the operator, so not being one to back down from a dare (especially an easy lame one) I did. On the other end of the phone, it sounded like the operator said "hello creature", to which I replied "hello stupid" and hung up the phone. Silly me didn't consider that operators by the nature of their jobs have access to both phones and phone numbers, proven by the fact that she promptly called back. Instead of answering the phone and thwarting her attempt to yell at me, I chose instead to hide behind a chair. Of course my nanny answered the call. She apparently didn't care whether or not the operator had called me a creature...she was pissed.

It was poor timing for a dare as well, as my parents returned that night. Again, that chair was my refuge until dinner when I thought enough time had passed that nanny had forgotten about the call.

She didn't, and it became dinner table conversation.

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